
  • Luley, Chris, and K. T. Smith. 2024. . Heartwood and heart rot. Part 2: Heart rot: Is it serious? Tree Care Industry Magazine. July: 24-32. PDF
  • Smith. K., Luley, Chris, and Draves, Tom. 2023. Heartwood and heart rot. Part 1. Are they important to arborists? Tree Care Industry Magazine May:58-61. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2022. The Big Five and Urban Decay Ecology. Arborist News. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher and Josh Galiley. 2021. PHC pruning that saves trees. Tree Care Industry Magazine November 21:14-22. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2021. Here comes the basidiocarps. Tree Care Industry Magazine May:75-79. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2020. Jack O’Lantern fungus: A trick pathogen? Tree Care Industry Magazine October: 66-69. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2020. Sex and decay fungi. Tree Care Industry Magazine June 2020:58-60. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher and Josh Galiley. Use your heading cut to delay decay. Tree Care Industry Magazine October 2019: 26-29. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2019. Do you have apical control? Tree Care Industry Magazine April:64-67 PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2018. Diagnostics. Assessing callus and woundwood in plant health care. Tree Care Industry Magazine December: 44-47. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher J., and Chad Lytle. 2018. Landscape diagnostics: DNA and RNA testing for landscape pests. Arboricultural Consultant 51(3):3-6. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher J., and Mike Ellison. 2018. Do you hear what I hear? Part II. Field application of sounding. Arborist News 27(1):42-46. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher J, and Mike Ellison. 2017. Do you hear what I hear? Part I. Introduction to sounding. Arborist News 26(6):54-56. PDF
  • Christopher Luley. 2017. Root Rot. Ganoderma applanatum-The Artist’s Conk. Tree Care Industry Magazine. December: 42-47. PDF
  • Christopher Luley. 2017. Root Rot, Part 7: Grifola (Polyporus) frondosa – Should I Worry About
    the “Hen of the Woods”?. Tree Care Industry Magazine:.November: 64-66. PDF
  • Christopher Luley. 2017. Root Rot, Part 6: Armillaria tabescens: Mushroom Root Rot Caused by the Ringless Armillaria. October:36-39. PDF
  • Pleninger, Andrew G., Christopher J. Luley. 2017. The ABCs of large-tree pruning. An introductory discussion. Tree Care Industry Magazine. July:36-38 PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2017. Root Rot Part 5. Don’t mess with Inonotus dryadeus. Tree Care Industry Magazine. July:46-51 PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2017. Root decay in urban trees: Berekely’s Polypore. Tree Care Industry Magazine. March:44-46 PDF
  • Luley, Christopher and Andrew Loyd. 2017. Root decay in urban trees – Part 2. Ganoderma sessile (aka Ganoderma lucidum) – An important root disease and butt decay by any name. Tree Care Industry Magazine. April: 36-41. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2017. Burnt-crust root and butt decay and canker. Tree Care Indsutry Magazine May:24- 29. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2016. CSI Landscape diagnostics: DNA and RNA testing for Landscape Pests. SCA Today 20(4):6-9. PDF
  • Pleninger, A. and Luley, C. 2016. The don’ts of tree pruning. Arborist News October:28-29
  • Luley, Christopher J. 2015. Biology and assessment of callus and woundwood. Arborist News 24(2):12-21. PDF
  • Bond, J., S. Sankowich, and C. Luley. 2014. Developing Risk Assessment Standards and Specifications for a Distribution System: A case study. Arborist News 24(4):56-62. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2014. Urban forestry for the Finger Lakes. Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association 12 (1): 9-11. PDF
  • Bond, Jerry, Sankowich, Sara, and Christopher J. Luley. 2013. Developing Risk Assessment Standards and Specifications for a Distribution System. T&D World: Vegetation Management, Tools & Technology. Pub. May 14, 2013. Online
  • Pleninger, Andrew P. and Christopher J. Luley. 2012. The ABCs of young and small tree pruning. Tree Care Industry XXIII (9):50-52. PDF
  • Luley, Chris. 2012. Indicators of decay in urban trees. Arborist News 21(3):18-20. PDF
  • Mucciardi, Anthony N., Luley, Christopher J, and Gormally, Kevin H. 2011. Preliminary evidence for using statistical classification of vibration waveforms as an initial decay detection tool. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 37:191-199. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher J. 2011. Resolution and trespass in field diagnosis. The Arboricultural Consultant. 2:4-8. PDF
  • Hudler, George W. and Christopher J. Luley. 2010. Bleeding canker impacting health of European beech. American Nurseryman 210 (5):8-9. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher. 2010. Does the tree care industry need a decay inspection standard? Tree Care Industry Magazine XXI (1) January:30-33. PDF
  • Luley, Chris, Sankowich, Sara, and Jerry Bond. 2010. The Effectiveness of tree risk assessment on electric utility distribution systems. Utility Arborist Newsline 1(1):14-16. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher J., David J. Nowak, and Eric J. Greenfield. 2009. Decay, defects and condition of street trees in four upstate New York cities. City Trees May/June:22-25. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher J. and A. D. Ali. 2009. Pest management: Client expectations and employee education. Tree Care Industry Magazine XX(4) April:8-14. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher J., Nowak, David J., and Eric J. Greenfield. 2009. Frequency and severity of trunk decay in street tree maples in four New York cities. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 35(2):94-99. PDF
  • Escobedo, Francisco J., Luley, Christopher J., Bond, Jerry, Staudhammer, Christina and Charles Bartel. 2009. Hurricane debris and damage assessment for Florida urban forests. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 35(2):100-106. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher J. 2009. Plant health: tools for tree decay testing. American Nurseryman 18(3):6-9. PDF
  • Luley, Christopher J., and Brian Kane. 2009. Sap rot: It will let you down. Arborist News 18(1):22-27. PDF
  • Hansen, L. and C. J. Luley. 2008. Carpenter ants in urban trees. Arborist News 17(5):12-17. PDF
  • Luley, C. J. 2006. Identifying wood decay and wood decay fungi in urban trees. Arborist News 15(2):12-19. PDF
  • Luley, C J., and J. Bond. 2006. Evaluation of the Fate of Ice Storm-Damaged Urban Maple (Acer) Trees. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 32(5):214-220. PDF
  • Ali, A. D., and C. J. Luley. 2006. Influence of fertilization practices on live oak wound closure. HortScience 41(3):799-801.
  • Zipperer, W. C., S. M. Sisinni, J. Bond, C. Luley, and A. G. Pleninger. 2004. An assessment of management history of damaged and undamaged trees 8 years after the ice storm in Rochester, New York, U. S. J. Arb. 30:92-100.
  • Luley, C. J. 2005. Wood decay fungi common to urban living trees in the Northeast and Central United States. 60 pp. Urban Forestry LLC. Naples, NY.
  • Luley, C. J. and D. J. Nowak. 2003. Impacts and Regulatory Advances in Managing Trees to Improve Air Quality. Proceedings National Urban Forestry Conference. Washington, DC: American Forests. Pp. 34-36.
  • Luley, C. J. and J. Denham. 2003. Silent killers lurk in the forest. New York State Conservationist 58: 24-25.
  • Luley, C. J., S. Sisinni, and A. Pleninger. 2002. The effect of wind gust on branch failures. Tree Structure and Mechanics Conference Proceedings. How Trees Stand Up and Fall Down. Smiley, E. T., Coder, K. D. eds. Pgs. 103-109. ISA, Champaign, IL.PDF
  • Nowak, D. J., J. C. Stevens, S. M. Sisinni and C. J. Luley. 2002. Effects of urban tree management and species selection on atmospheric carbon dioxide. J. Arb. 28:113-122.
  • Luley, C. J., S. Sisinni, and A. Pleninger. 2002. The effect of pruning on service requests, branch failures and priority maintenance in the City of Rochester, NY. J. Arb. 28: 137-143.
  • Luley, C. J. and J. Bond. 2002. A plan to integrate management of urban trees into air quality planning. 67 pp. (PDF)
  • Bloniarz, David, Ryan, H. Dennis P. III, Luley, Christopher J., Bond, Jerry and David C. Hawkins. 2001. An Initial Storm Damage Assessment Protocol for Urban and Community Forests. Amherst, MA, and Naples, NY: USDA Forest Service and Davey Resource Group. Online
  • Luley, C. J., S. Sisinni, and A. Pleninger. 2002. The effect of pruning on service requests, branch failures and priority maintenance in the City of Rochester, NY. J. Arb. May 28: 137-143. PDF
  • Luley, C. J and A. D. Ali. 2000. Tree Risk Analysis. Landscape Trades 22:32-36.
  • Nowak, D. J., Civerolo, K. S., Rao, S. T., Sistla, G., Luley, C. J., and D. E. Crane. 2000. A modeling study of the impact of urban trees on ozone. Atmos. Environ. 34:1601-1613.
  • Luley, C. J. 1998. The Greening of Urban Air. Forum Appl. Res. Public Pol. Summer:33-36.
  • Nowak, D.J., McHale, P.J., Ibarra, M., Crane, D., Stevens, J.C., and C.J. Luley. 1998. Modeling the effects of urban vegetation on air pollution. In: Gryning, S. and N. Chaumerliac (eds). Air pollution modeling and its application XII. New York, NY: Plenum Press: 399-407.
  • Luley, C. J. and M. W. Thomas. 1996. Demonstrating and Quantifying the Environmental and Economic Benefits of Large Trees. Poster Presentation at International Society of Arboriculture’s 72nd Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
  • Luley, C. J. and D. Wade. 1996. Technical Aspects of the Balmville Tree Preservation. Poster Presentation at the International Society of Arboriculture’s 72nd Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.
  • Luley, C. J. 1995. Funding Urban Forestry: Air Pollution and Carbon Credits. Proc. 7th National Urban For. Conf. Kollin, C and Barratt, eds. American Forests, Washington, D.C., Pgs. 194-197.
  • Sisinni S. M., W. C. Zipperer W. C. and A. G. Pleninger. 1995. Impacts from a major ice storm: street tree damage in Rochester, New York. J. Arbor. 21; pg. 156-167.
  • Luley, C. J. 1995. Potential Environmental Impact and Contribution of the Tree Planting Initiative on the Lime Lake Restoration. White Paper to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency prepared for PPG Industries Inc., Barberton, OH. 10 p.
  • Cummings-Carlson, J. , Mielke, M. E., Appleby, J. E., Hatcher, R., Hayes, E. M., Luley, C. J., O’Brien, J. G. and Rugg, D. J. 1993. Survey of Black Walnut Canker in Plantations in Five States. North. J. Appl. For. 10:10-13.
  • Luley, C. J., Mielke, M. E., Castello, J. D., Cummings-Carlson, J., Appleby, J., and Hatcher, R. 1992. Ash crown condition and the incidence of ash yellows and other insects and diseases in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and Wisconsin. Plant Disease. 76:1209-1212.
  • Abbott, R. E., Luley, C. J., Buchanan, E. L., Miller, K. C., and Joehlin, K. A. 1991. The Importance of Large Tree Maintenance in Mitigating Global Climate Change. White paper prepared for the National Arborist Association. 6 p.
  • Luley, C. J. and McNabb, H. S. 1991. Estimation of seasonal ascospore production of Mycosphaerella populorum. Can. J. For. Res. 9:1349-1353.
  • Luley, C. J. 1991. A Thorny Issue. Missouri Conservationist. 52(3):22-23.
  • Luley, C. J. 1990. Global Warming: Is the Sky Really Falling? Missouri Conservationist. 51(7):10-13.
  • Luley, C. J. 1989. Decline of the Might Oak? Missouri Conservationist. 50(6):16-17.
  • Gass, R. and Luley, C. J. 1989. Unwelcome Guests. Missouri Conservationist. 50(6) 32-33.
  • Luley, C. J. and McNabb, H. S. 1989. Ascospore production, release, germination, and infection of Populus by Mycosphaerella populorum. Phytopathology. 79:1013-1018.
  • Rycyk, F., Luley, C. J. and P. Gowen-Overton. 1989. Peridermium harknessii on Scots Pine in Missouri. Plant Disease. 73:610.
  • Luley, C. J. and Gleason, M. L. 1988. Diplodia canker of concolor fir in Iowa. Plant Disease. 72:79.
  • Luley, C. J., McNabb, H. S., and Tiffany, L. H. 1987. In vitro production of Mycosphaerella populorum ascomata. Mycologia. 79:654-658.
  • Luley, C. J. and Manion, P. D. 1984. Inoculum Potential of Gremmeniella abietina in New York. In: Scleroderris canker of conifers. P. D. Manion, ed. 82-96 pp.